Health Research Survey

A significant number of people in your area are reporting changes in their health.

This survey is designed to identify what health changes, if any, are taking place and how widespread they are. Your answers to these questions and your personal information is completely confidential. Some of the most frequently reported problems are difficulty sleeping, ringing in the ears, headaches, and heart palpitations. We are investigating whether any health changes are correlated with the installation of smart meters, a new type of electric meter. Many people report health changes after installation, others do not.

This survey is being conducted by the Smart Meter Education Network for nonprofit research purposes. Your answers to these questions and your personal information is completely confidential. Your answers will be used in statistical analysis and will not be individually reported. Click here to see our full confidentiality and privacy statement.

The Smart Meter Education Network is dedicated to providing accurate information about smart meters and their health effects, if any. Your participation will help us achieve that goal.