Dirty Electricity
It’s Not Just Wireless That’s Causing Health Problems
For information on a filter that reduces dirty electricity by 90% and has been a godsend for many people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, call the director of the Smart Meter Education Network, Linda Kurtz, at 972-2677 (area code 734) or visit the website No Dirty Electricity. A phone call is best, as you can discuss your individual situation with Linda, but feel free to email her at SmartMeterEducationNetwork@gmail.com.
This filter mitigates dirty electricity from smart meters, solar systems, PLC analog meters (power line communication), TWACs, generators, and inverters.
DTE’s so-called opt-out meter is just a smart meter with the wireless turned off. It will hurt you nearly as much as the smart meter because of the “dirty electricity” generated by the meter. If you wish to avoid the health (and privacy) problems associated with smart meters, then you must keep your analog meter.
Turning off the radiofrequency will not solve the health (or the privacy) problems associated with DTE and Consumers Energy smart meters. Digital meters—whether or not “smart”—cause dirty electricity to flow through your home’s wiring. The problem is what is called the “switched mode power supply.” Switched mode power supplies are used to run the digital meter (whether a smart meter or DTE’s radio-off opt-out meter). In order for a smart meter to be powered, the 240 volts coming off the power line to the meter must be stepped down to 4–10 volts. A switched mode power supply is the device used to step down the voltage from 240 volts to 4-10 volts. This generates an enormous amount of what is commonly known as “dirty electricity” and referred to by electricians and electrical engineers as “voltage transients,” “voltage harmonics,” “line noise,” and “power quality issues.”
Dirty electricity is a spiky, pulsed, highly variable electrical current that rides through all the circuitry of a building. It has devastating health effects. Many people are already experiencing those effects, which include high blood pressure, tinnitus, insomnia, and cognitive difficulties. The Nevada Consumer Protection Bureau reached an agreement with the Nevada Public Utilities Commission to allow individuals to keep their analog meters in part because of health problems associated with the switched mode power supplies. Prevention Magazine reports on the hazards of dirty electricity.
People who have had their smart meter’s wireless turned off are experiencing the same health problems as people with smart meters, just to a slightly lesser degree (click here to read their personal testimony and here for another story). Our cells cannot handle a highly variable current, and build up a sugar coating around themselves, which means it’s harder for nutrients to get in and wastes to get out. In addition, these electromagnetic currents cause the bonds holding DNA together to break, increasing the risk of cancer. Think of a jackhammer going off and on every day, 24/7. That is what the cells in your body experience. Even though you can’t feel it, it’s still hurting you. Brain cancers take 10 years to develop, and few people feel the cancer. In addition to all that, the electromagnetic frequencies knock calcium ions off the cell membrane, causing a host of effects.
DTE’s so-called opt-out meter is just a smart meter with the wireless turned off. It will hurt you nearly as much as the smart meter. Many older-style digital meter do not seem to create the dirty electricity problems that smart meters and so-called opt-out meters do. The reason is this: the older-style digital meters do not measure electricity in the fine-grained manner that the new meters do. These meters are constantly active, recording data and making computations at up to millisecond intervals. This means they are cycling—on-off, on-off—constantly. It is this on-off cycling that is part of what creates the spiky dirty electricity. These new meters have what’s called a chopper circuit—the name is illustrative of what we’ve just been talking about—which rapidly switches the voltage on and off. In so doing, it creates ultra-high frequencies, and very sharp, fast transient voltage spikes, up to 70,000 volts/second. Part of the reason some people hear their smart meter making sounds is that the ultra-high frequencies they generate can be picked up by some human ears.
The magnetic field generated is a huge part of the problem. The current running through your house is an electromagnetic current. When the electric current runs through the wiring, it generates a magnetic field at right angles to the electric current. This means that you are surrounded in every dimension by an electromagnetic current—it’s like being at the center of a hurricane, with the wiring on all the walls, the ceiling lights, and the wires running through the basement completely encapsulating you.
Broadband over powerline (BPL) and wind turbines cause the same dirty electricity problems.
See the following links for more information on switched mode power supplies:
- Switched Mode Power Supplies and Smart Meters
- How Do Switched Mode Power Supplies Work—from “Things I Should Probably Know” blogspot
- How Do Switched Mode Power Supplies Work and Why Do They Bother People So Much?
- Dirty Electricity, Phillips. Transients are created when current is repeatedly interrupted. This manipulation of current creates a wildly fluctuating and potentially dangerous electromagnetic field that not only radiates into the immediate environment but also can back up along home or office wiring.
- Magnetic Neighborhood. Blog of a careful Ann Arbor researcher trained in health studies. An excerpt: “Once again, I've found my way to this same conclusion: the smart meter does not suppress line noise the way the analog meter did. Rather, it augments and even causes line noise.”
- Morgan, High-Frequency Transients on Electrical Wiring
- Stray Voltage, Stray Currents, Dirty Electricity
See these links for pictures and more information on dirty electricity and/or switched mode power supplies.
- Main sources of voltage transients.
- Compact fluorescent dirty electricity vs incandescent light bulbs.
- Windmills (wind turbines) and their dirty electricity signature.
Your privacy is still invaded. The radio-off opt-out meter still collects the same fine-grained usage data as a smart meter. The only thing that has been turned off is the radio-transmitter. None of the data-collection software has been turned off.
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Terms to Know
Advanced meter: smart meter (term used by DTE to hide the fact it is a smart meter).
AMI meter and AMI program: another name for the smart meter and the smart meter program. AMI stands for advanced metering infrastructure.
Blood-brain barrier: EMFs can cause the blood-brain barrier to be breached, allowing toxins to enter the brain. Toxin entry is thought to be partially responsible for Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s.
Dirty electricity: spiky, pulsed electromagnetic field generated by smart meters that rides through building wiring and permeates the building’s rooms. Responsible for many of the health problems seen with smart and digital meters.
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs): consist of an electrical field and a magnetic field. Fields are created by the flow of electrical current through the wire, sunlight, etc.
Electromagnetic frequency: examples are 60 Hz electrical current of your home, RF of a cell phone. Often used interchangeably with electromagnetic field.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS): sensitivity to electromagnetic fields. Symptoms are complex and involve all bodily systems
Hydrogen bonds: Electrostatic bonds that help hold the DNA double helix together. Breakage of hydrogen bonds may cause changes in DNA that can lead to cancer. RF and other EMFs may disrupt the Hydrogen bonds.
Meter upgrade: the installation of an advanced (smart) meter on your home by DTE.
Microwave radiation: the type of radiation emitted by smart meters. Known to cause biological harm.
Non-transmitting meter: another name for the DTE and Consumers opt-out meters.
Opt-out meter: this is a smart meter. The only thing that is different is the radio-transmitter is turned off. It still generates dirty electricity, it still retains the two antennas, and it is only incrementally less harmful to your health. It can still record detailed information about your electrical usage.
Radio-disabled meter: another name for the DTE opt-out meter.
Radio-off meter: another name for the DTE opt-out meter.
Radiofrequency (RF): high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the range of 10 MHz to 300 Ghz. All wireless devices, including smart meters, cell phones, and Wi-Fi emit RF.
Switched mode power supply: contained in all smart meters, it creates dirty electricity.
van der Waals bonds: an extremely weak electromagnetic force that helps hold the DNA double helix together. Breakage of the van der Waals bond may cause changes in DNA that can lead to cancer. RF and other EMFs can disrupt the van der Waals bonds.